Глубокая ностальгия — при помощи нейросетей начали "оживлять" старые фотографии и мемы

28.02.2021 17:14

Глубокая ностальгия — при помощи нейросетей начали оживлять старые фотографии и мемы

Сервис генеалогии MyHeritage с недавних пор запустил новую особенность под названием "Глубокая ностальгия", цель которой — создавать анимацию на основе старых фотографий.

Инструмент работает простым образом — пользователь загружает фото одного или нескольких людей, после чего нейросеть анализирует их и создает анимационный дипфейк. Результат выглядит немного жутко — как ожившие фотоснимки из вселенной "Гарри Поттера".

Инструмент "оживляет" даже очень старые фотографии, и некоторые пользователи откровенно шокированы, что могут увидеть в движении своих предков, хотя их никогда не снимали на видео. Анимации можно посмотреть в твиттере.

Вот лишь некоторые из них:

This is crazy. @myheritage has an AI that animates still photos Harry Potter style. Here’s an old photo of my grandma ~1936. pic.twitter.com/3o76SX5isP

— Greg (เกร็ก) (@BkkGreg) February 27, 2021

.@MyHeritage's #DeepNostalgia feature is but a dream within a dream. pic.twitter.com/SInktJJYYO

— Bizzarro Bazar (@BizzarroBazar) February 28, 2021

In these days of cultural limbo, bringing the past to life is becoming addictive - it’s the ultimate retro pastime. First Hadi Karimi colourised and made Beethoven 3D. Now he moves! #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/z3jpRoXPD8

— Attila (@attilalondon) February 27, 2021

My great great grandmother, Louisa Roakes (1871-1942), animated using the Deep Nostalgia tool on @MyHeritage #Genealogy #MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/mb9b9uQdwi

— Nathan Dylan Goodwin (@NathanDGoodwin) February 25, 2021

Joseph Bloor lives! The most handsome man in Toronto history brought to life by this wild new #DeepNostalgia animation tool from MyHeritage... https://t.co/cQOXjVjDqg pic.twitter.com/QBzdlwxNfV

— Adam Bunch (@TODreamsProject) February 26, 2021

This is my grandfather's brother Geoffrey who died in WWII. My aunts tell me they knew him as "Handsome Uncle Geoffrey" and women of his generation generally remembered him with a wistful, misty eye. #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/2ue9kWaPJH

— Marian Whitney Makins (@ProfMakins) February 27, 2021

It makes us feel as if they’re right in front of us! Try out out our new photo animation feature, announced at #RootsTech -- Deep Nostalgia™! https://t.co/IeTuf2xbar pic.twitter.com/ypdsdfa5RM

— MyHeritage (@MyHeritage) February 26, 2021

My great grandma coming back to life...#DeepNostalgia #MyHeritage pic.twitter.com/HlSsV0fc5B

— Finding Family (@findingfamily3) February 26, 2021

Getting Jurassic Park / Westworld vibes off of the #DeepNostalgia tech https://t.co/r7VN6FGMgG

— Asif Khan (@culturekhan) February 28, 2021

With our new Deep Nostalgia™, you can see how a person from an old photo could have moved and looked if they were captured on video! Read more: https://t.co/ZwUwzJRQ26 #RootsTech #RootsTechConnect pic.twitter.com/LERXhrqiut

— MyHeritage (@MyHeritage) February 25, 2021

If you haven't tried our new Deep Nostalgia™ feature yet, you're missing out! Take out your old family photos and animate your #ancestors! Read more: https://t.co/9jQb55RHkt #RootsTech #RootsTechConnect pic.twitter.com/fJySwDsO2J

— MyHeritage (@MyHeritage) February 27, 2021

Very cool, this is my great grandfather William Clark 1848-1925 pic.twitter.com/Ra367mt7jg

— Andrew Clark (@qandrew) February 28, 2021

Технологию уже стали применять и с мемами:

My Heritage releases 'deep nostalgia' to "animate your family photos".
The internet 5 seconds later: pic.twitter.com/rcmLpbiRMx

— A Wojcicki (@pretendsmarts) February 27, 2021

I'm in tears - what an incredible experience to see my great-great-great grandfather come to life. Technology will save us all. Thank you so much @MyHeritage #DeepNostalgia pic.twitter.com/xFGmfCVAac

— Josh Mcloughlin (@JoshMcloughlin) February 28, 2021

So I wanted to know how the recent #DeepLearning facial animations services do with busts and decided to give that botched Christiano Ronaldo statue a spin. What ensued can only be summarised as #DeepNostalgia --> #DeeplyDisturbed. Sweet dreams! 😉 pic.twitter.com/g2J0LV5DAi

— Jan Smeddinck ???????????? (@smeddinck) February 27, 2021

"So tell me more about this 'genetic admixture' thing... " ???? #Neanderthal #DeepNostalgia
(Kennis brothers' @AdrieKennis Spy reconstruction)
with thanks to @AdamRutherford for the inspiration ???? pic.twitter.com/6nWB0ieNhb

— Becky Wragg Sykes (@LeMoustier) February 27, 2021

So here's some super huge uncanny valley. This is a portrait of Prezarium Shados I did for the Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Starter Set.
...thrown through MyHeritage's "Deep Nostalgia" filter.
Not sure if I'm unnerved or fascinated?@cubicle7 #ageofsigmar pic.twitter.com/iWAXGlhEfB

— Runesael, Gensym Scribe (@Runesael) February 26, 2021

Deep Nostalgia pic.twitter.com/2NrajeaU4B

— Paul Feigelfeld (@paulfeigelfeld) February 27, 2021


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